One Love Islam: Living & Loving Islam

By Ilm Intensive (other events)

Sunday, May 24 2015 1:00 PM 6:00 PM MST

The One Love Islam program is a grassroots initiative to empower our young men and women in Junior High to fall in love with Allah, His Messenger, peace be upon him and Islam through creative, adventurous and artistic ways.

Stay tuned for our September workshop on a Muslim Boys/Girls guide workshop!
One Love Islam program:
1:00-1:30 Registration
1:30-1:45-Welcome (Noureen ,Fayaz & Kashif)
1:45-1:55- Islamic Identity & Peer Pressure-Sh.Fayaz
1:55-2:05-Bullying and the Islamic Response-Sr.Noureen Tilly
2:05-2:15- Love, Love & Live!!! –Br.Kashif
2:15-2:30 Duhr
2:30-2:45 Sky Luge orientation
2:45-5:00 Luging and Lunch!
5:00-5:45 Open Discussions in Small Groups
5:45-6:00 Go Home!


For brothers and sisters in grades 7 through 10 and ages 12 thrpugh 15.